Making Better Lives for Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
Parent Recommended
“Our Case Manager keeps in close contact with us and takes care of all of our daughter’s needs. We are so lucky to have her as all of our family members live away from Albuquerque.”​
"The Case Management services my daughter receives from Peak Developmental Services are exceptional! With other agencies, I would have to constantly make sure they completed the paperwork, check their budgets, and hold them accountable. Our CM at Peak has shown herself to be competent, in every circumstance, for many years.
However, the very best advantage to being served by our CM at Peak, is witnessing the true devotion shown to my daughter, as her advocate. In every situation, our CM's objective has always, always, been, to make sure my daughter, has a meaningful, self-guided, full life."
“Being a Special Education Teacher and a single parent/guardian to a son with a disability, my plate is over flowing. Having Peak case management services eases my mind and gives me confidence that my son will be given the services he needs.”

Peak Developmental Services Inc is a proprietary business incorporated under the laws of New
Mexico to assist individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to receive the
support desired to live fulfilling lives based on individual goals, support needs, beliefs, and
cultural preferences. Peak Developmental Services representatives work in conjunction with
individuals, their families, service providers, and community partners to facilitate a service
foundation centered on individual planning to promote community inclusiveness, meaningful
integration, and employment opportunities for individuals we help support. In addition to service
planning, representatives can aide in monitoring medical care for timely access, assist with
understanding best practice care or schedules for routine screenings, and facilitate discussions
related to informed choice for medical decisions. Representatives from Peak strive to provide
efficient, effective, and individualized team facilitation to promote a least restrictive philosophy
and a collaborative approach to building support models to assist people with reaching their
greatest potential.
Representatives associated with Peak will comply with Federal and New Mexico laws,
regulations, policies and procedures for Medicaid waiver and adult targeted programs.